National Harmonisation of Temporary Traffic Management Training

The safety of road workers and road users at and around road worksites is a key area of concern and this national project is set to harmonise temporary traffic management (TTM) practice throughout Australia. As announced by Austroads – this project is harmonising temporary traffic management practice through the development and provision of improved technical guidance and the implementation of a harmonised training environment for TTM practitioners and associated Registered Training Organisation framework, a prequalification scheme for organisations seeking to deliver TTM services and a national assessment and approval scheme for TTM devices.

Transport and Main Roads (TMR) provided a recent update of their work stating that through consultation with both the training and traffic management sectors, Austroads has developed eight new skillsets across the three core TTM roles – Traffic Controller, Traffic Management Implementer, and Traffic Management Designer.

The skillsets support a graduated training approach and provide workers the opportunity to gain important experience before undertaking qualifications to work in more complex environments. This graduated training approach will enhance safety and provide a career pathway for individuals to progress within, and across, TTM roles.

To support this training, Austroads is now progressing development of a Registered Training Organisation Operational Framework for TTM. With this framework in place, individuals will be able to achieve a relevant TTM qualification and apply for mutual recognition across participating states and territories. The national training material and new training framework are expected in early 2023.

TMR will be consulting with industry and stakeholders in early 2023 to gain a clear understanding of how this change will impact both the Department and industry in Queensland. We are eager to ensure that all stakeholders’ views are considered. Through this consultation, we will determine an appropriate transition strategy that will ensure we minimise the impacts of the change and continue to deliver high-quality TTM outcomes.

To learn more about completing a Traffic Control course contact us.


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